Saturday, December 24, 2011

Not the best

So I have to apologize for not posting for a few days. I know I had said I would get up the pic of the file folder game I made, but now I have to find it! I think I left it at school. Either way, it will be up after break. Anyway, a pet peeve of mine is not keeping my things up to date, and that's where this blog is going! It is Christmas Eve morning/early afternoon and as I sit here, I keep sifting through the awesome blogs out there. I think it would take a lifetime to go through all the ideas wonderful teachers post. I can only hope my blog turns into a pretty good one eventually. So I have downloaded some cute clip art and I plan to create some more file folder games/classroom decor but I have a question...can anyone tell me how teachers make their games look so good. Is it Adobe Photoshop that achieves this? Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks and Merry Christmas! I'll post again after the holiday weekend! ;)

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