Sunday, March 22, 2015

St. Patrick's Week

Hey Friends!
I wanted to stop by to share our leprechaun traps from last week. I make this a family project (we do one a month) and the kids were so excited to put these together in hopes of catching a little leprechaun!

I thought they came out so great!!
Then of course each student had a chance to explain to the class how he/she was going to trap it!
Unfortunately, no one caught one, but the leprechaun did leave our class messy and also gave each person a St. Paddy's pencil in their trap! ;)

On a non-teaching belly seems to be growing each day! I am SO excited for this little one and can't wait until the beginning of May when we get to find out the sex!! It will also be my husband's birthday so he is going to get one awesome present! (he's hoping for a boy!)

Here is me at 12 weeks!!
I've been blessed with a very easy pregnancy so far! No morning sickness excpet for maybe 1-2 days. :) The little one is expected to arrive September 25th! We can't wait!!

It also occurred to me I've only got 2 more weeks until spring break! Wahoo! I feel like our break is late this year, but at least the weather should be really nice. It's been turning around it's in the low 60's and we are not expected to drop lower than 54 this week. All our trees are starting to get tiny little buds! I love spring!
Well I hope you have a great rest of your weekend, and wonderful week at school!

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