I'm doing a very early morning post before school. I wanted to do one last night, but I didn't get home until almost 10 after working at TJMaxx. (ugh part-time jobs) My little third graders are really getting on my nerves. haha. I know it's practically the end of the school year (25 more school days) and their concentration is already enjoying the summer. we started drilling multiplication facts in January and I still have some kids that don't know them. Now the teacher is teaching division with remainders but one little girl cannot do it at all because she still hasn't memorized her basic facts.:( It's super frustrating because no matter how many times you tell them to practice at home and send home parent letters, it just isn't getting done. I have decided from now until the end of the year, I'm going to take 5 minutes out of every class period and that's all we're going to do is flash cards. I really want them to get the facts and we're doing programs like Rocket Math, but it's just not sticking. :( ugh. How do the third grade teachers out there get their kids to memorize the facts?
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