Hmm...I really like Bridesmaids. I bought it a couple months ago and plan on having all my girls watch it when it gets closer to my wedding. That movie just cracks me up!
11) Favorite TV series
That would have to be Hart of Dixie...I'm addicted and wish I lived in Louisiana...plus I really love George!

10) Favorite Restaurant
I really love Druken Jack's in Myrtle Beach, I drag my fiance there every time we visit. I just love the atmosphere and the pretty marsh. (plus I think the hush puppies are to die for!)

9) Favorite New Thing you Tried
Yikes! Umm...let's see...well, I did write an essay that got me into these amazing teacher conference I attended all last week. :) I'm usually a very shy person, but I broke out of my shell a little bit by going.
8) Favorite New Gift you Received
Well, my fiance bought me a laminating machine a few months back and I use that baby every week to laminate centers. :)
7) Favorite thing you pinned
Gosh, there is just too many, but I would have to say since I am getting married in exactly 10 months from today (doin the happy dance) I just love this idea for a little before the ceremony stuff. (we don't want to actually do a first look, but this seems even better!)

6) Favorite Blog Post
ehh...I don't have one :(
5) Favorite Accomplishment
Getting my degree of course! Everyday has it's ups and downs, but I absolutely love being a teacher and working with the little ones :)
4) Favorite Picture
I really love the engagement session we did over the summer and this has to be my all-time favorite one! Our wedding will have a vintage theme as well!
3) Favorite Memoryhere I am being a romantic again, but it's definitely when Steve proposed. We had been talking about it for almost a year and the night he finally decided to ask, I was completely thrown off guard! :) here's a pic of the ring :)
2) Goal for 2013
easy...save tons of money for the wedding in October!
1) One little word
my one little word is going to be...frugal...see above. lol.
Well this sure was fun, but now time to go! Gonna make a cup of tea and settle in with some Christmas shows! Have a great Thursday! Only 2 more days until the weekend and 7 more school days for me :)

a cute blog, wish you all the best for your your coming wedding
Enjoy Teaching English