Thursday, April 12, 2012

Flying with fractions

So as promised, I do have pics of the fraction kites my third graders did this week...but first, my interview!
I thought it went really well. It was a question answer format like a dreaded and I didn't get to share any of the materials I brought with me but 90% of the questions were very simple and I knew the answers to! :) I think she must have asked me about 30 or so and it was all tape recorded. Also she infomed me that if I paused for too long, she would move on! Very nerve wracking, but in the end, she said I interviewed very well and she can tell I am an enthusiastic canditate and would make a great fit for the district!! :)'s the weird part...they don't have any specfic jobs available yet. They are anticipating openings, but she told me to continue to monitor the site and I still need to apply for the jobs when they come out. (I was kinda wondering what the point of the interview was but oh well) I guess me interviewing, helps principals who would like to come into the office and look over the paper work. I would still need to get an interview with a principal and a final one with the director of HR. Whew! Extremely frustrating  but I guess we'll see. Keepin those hopes up!

On another note, here are the pics of the kites. I thought they came out good. It's hard to really make crafts and whatnot look "nice" when you only have 30 min with the kids! haha.  but all in all they liked the project and were excited to show me where they wanted me to hang them! :)

1 comment:

  1. so cute!  I may have to steal it!  Thanks!
