Tuesday, September 4, 2012

So Proud!

So I am so proud of my chickies! We started our centers today and guided reading and I was nervous that they were not going to be able to handle it. Well I was blown away. After introducing each center (ps. no modeling) we got right to work and they did fantabulous! :)
We also did writer's workshop and I modeled how they should/shouldn't work and then told them to write about anything until I said stop. (only 15 min today) They did fantastic. I cannot believe this is the same bunch of kids we had a week ago! The progress is great. I told them to sound out words they do not know instead of asking us how to spell and I giggled to myself when I was hearing hushed voices sounding out words. Ah! Great day..Espeically considering I have a big cold and huge headache..I'm heading home to put on pj's and zone out.

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