
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

All About ME!

I am linking up with Kinder Tribe today for her meet me kinder linky party! I am so excited to read about all the other kinder teachers! Here we go! 

So a little short intro to me...I have been teaching 4 years, I taught 1 year in Ohio where I grew up, then moved to north carolina and taught first grade the first year, then kinder, then first grade last year and now excited to be back in kinder this year!! :) I'm hoping I can stay here for a while! ;)

I love to bake and have baked a ton this summer because I am pregnant so I am house bound becuase of the ridiculous heat, and also because I am pretty bored..and hungry most of the time! haha

I love having binders to organize papers in! I have all reading assessments in binders as well as math and then when I need a test, I can just pull it out and copy! I also take my teacher binder around with me everywhere and love staying organized!

I love the First day Jitters because it shows kids, they aren't the only ones nervous on the first day..teachers can be too! :)! She has lots of great ideas and such cute products! Click on image to go to her blog! 
  Kindergarten Smiles
 And the last is self-explanatory...I love kindergarten so much! They come to us as babies (many of them) and leave the end of the year with so much growth and knowledge! I just love it..makes my heart happy! 

So head over to kinder tribe to link up kindergarten friends! I hope you have a wonderful rest of they day!


  1. Congratulations on your soon-to-be bundle of joy! So happy to have you as a part of the Kinder Tribe. I look forward to reading more posts from you this next school year!

  2. How exciting that a little one will soon join your family! Congrats! I too am a sucker for sweets. Being bored causes for extra trips to the snack stash, ha ha! I'm following your blog to keep up with life in k in North Carolina.

    Texas Teaching Gal

  3. Hi Sarah! So excited to meet you & be part of our new "kinder family"! I'm really looking forward to sharing & collaborating with you and our "tribe"! I love your blog! We do a circus theme at the beginning of the year & my kiddos love it!
    Annie Veas ~ The Learning Studio Bug :)

  4. Hi Sarah!!
    I LOVE being in the kitchen!! I would love to hear your favorite recipe!! Thank you so much for sharing!! It's so great to "meet" more kinder teacher!!
    It’s Kinder Time

  5. Congrats on your new little one! How exciting! I was so guilty of being in the kitchen baking when I was preggers with my youngest last summer! I'm such a sucker for sweets! I'm so excited to read more on your blog!
    Yee-Haw in Kindergarten

  6. Congrats on your new little one! How exciting! I was so guilty of being in the kitchen baking when I was preggers with my youngest last summer! I'm such a sucker for sweets! I'm so excited to read more on your blog!
    Yee-Haw in Kindergarten
